The Ram Band
1:30 - 2:00
The Donovan Ram Band has been an active performance group at Monsignor Donovan
Catholic High School and in the Athens area since 2009. Shapeshifting as a large jazz ensemble,
jazz combo, and pep band, our current rock ensemble has performed at Athens festivals
PorchFest, Marigold Festival, and Front Porch Concerts. Annual events include the Athens
Parade of Lights and a regular spring concert at Hendershot’s. The band has performed for
private and public events at the Classic Center, the Lyndon House, the Archer High School Jazz
Festival, and have recorded at Chase Park and Maxwell Sound studios. The current Ram Band
features Ellie Dunn-Betanzos, vocals and guitar; Jared Carmona, lead guitar; Anslea Walker,
guitar and bass; Manny Carmona, guitar and vocals; Max McNiff, piano and guitar; Gracie
Johnson, bass and vocals; Calvin Floyd, drums; directed by Chris Enghauser.
2023-2024 Donovan Ram Band
Ellie Dunn-Betanzos, vocals and guitar
Jared Carmona, lead guitar
Anslea Walker, guitar and bass
Manny Carmona, guitar and vocals
Max McNiff, piano and guitar
Gracie Johnson, bass and vocals
Calvin Floyd, drums
Chris Enghauser, director
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